High Vibration Retreat
North Cyprus
11 - 17th May 2019
Expand your consciousness and raise your vibration Retreat
• Shared accommodation (twin room) breakfast, lunch and dinner £850
• Single accommodation (single room) breakfast, lunch and dinner £950 supplement.
• Non residential £647
Situated on the lush foothills of the Five Finger Mountain Range in the Esentepe region of North Cyprus. Crystal Bay Marina is the perfect place to come to practice yoga, relax, explore, make new friends and raise your vibration.
Whats included
• Daily yin and yang asana practices
• Led and silent meditations
• Guided mountain walks
• Mediterranean seaside swims
• Excursions to sacred sites
• Free time to chill by the pool
• Balance Procedure Workshop and level 1 certification
• Raw vegan cake workshop
• Introduction into fermented products workshop
• 6 nights accommodation
• Breakfast, lunch and dinner x 5 days
• Airport Transfer
Leyla will be joined by Caroline Griffith
Caroline is a Yoga teacher, Meditation facilitator, Magical Reality Creator and Nutritional Therapist.
Her purpose is to assist all beings to re-connect to their heart-space. To live from the sacred heart, in higher consciousness, of the 5th dimensional reality.
She has been running retreats for over 10 years, specialising in retreats for dog owners. Although no pets are needed for this retreat it is highly likely they will act and be different once you return home.
Caroline is excited to bring the wisdom of the heart to this Retreat and even more so to share the joyful energies she has found here North Cyprus.